Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sound and Images

I found the book chapter "Projectionist of Sound on Image" fascinating. As someone who is interested in sound design for films, I know the importance of the soundtrack in a film. This reading opened my mind up to many more possibilites. I knew that sound could make or break a scene. What I did not know, was that sound had the ability to give a series of still frames a sense of movement. I read the part about the opening doors in Star Wars and had to look it up. I liked how Chion phrased the abilities of sound and image. Sound has the ability to give a sequence temporal qualities while image helps to adjust the viewer to the space of the film. I also like the segment on playing video in reverse. Without sound it is possible to show anything in reverse, even if it defies the laws of gravity. However, once sound is in place this can no longer be done because the sounds make the video have a timecode. This book chapter opened my eyes to many interesting ideas to play with in the near future.

The second article also provided some useful information on creating a soundtrack for a film. It gave me insight in how to create the proper sound scape. The article urges readers to just close their eyes and listen for sounds. By doing this in an area needed for a film set, one can surely discover what sounds they need and how frequently they need to be played. This article would have been helpful to me a few semesters ago. I had to work on a soundscape project for a sound design class. I found it hard to get some of the spaces down. If I had just listened it would have been much easier.

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